About Us
Landmark Hospital is within a hospital, so that we can provide radiologic or surgical care (e.g., port placement, PICC line, PEG tube),
so you don’t need to leave the hospital.
Landmark Hospital of Southwest Florida provides expert care to medically complex patients who require prolonged hospitalization, typically 25 days or longer. We specialize in ventilator/ tracheostomy weaning, complex wound care, nephrology/ hemodialysis, infectious disease, and critical care interventions. Each room is private and has its own toilet and shower. In addition to nursing services and respiratory therapy care, available 24 hours a day, we offer physical, occupational, and speech rehabilitation services, including high-intensity rehabilitation.
Our Experts
Our staff medical specialists include hospitalist medicine, pulmonology, cardiology, infectious disease, nephrology, gastroenterology, podiatry, surgery, palliative medicine, and psychiatry.
Landmark Hospital of Southwest Florida was opened in 2024 and has been operating continuously since then. We are licensed by the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration and are certified by Medicare. We are also fully accredited by the Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality, the standard for long-term acute care hospitals.